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16 November 2011PM
No witnesses gave statements at this hearing
21 November 2011AM
Bob Dowler , Sally Dowler , Graham Shear and Joan Smith gave statements at this hearing
09 February 2012PM
Max Clifford , Paul Dacre and Michelle Stanistreet gave statements at this hearing
Exhibit 1 to Submission from the Netherlands Press Council
Evidence for witness Netherlands Press Council
09 February 2012AM
Ian Edmondson , Darryn Lyons , Heather Mills and Michelle Stanistreet gave statements at this hearing
23 January 2012PM
John Battle , Jim Gray and Lord Patten of Barnes gave statements at this hearing
24 April 2012AM
James Murdoch gave a statement at this hearing
23 January 2012AM
Lord Patten of Barnes and Mark Thompson gave statements at this hearing
18 July 2012PM
Professor Steven Barnett and Matt Sprake gave statements at this hearing
08 December 2011PM
08 December 2011AM
First Submission by Sir Louis Blom Cooper QC
Evidence for witness Sir Louis Blom-Cooper
Second Witness Statement of Michelle Stanistreet
Witness Statement for witnesses Michelle Stanistreet  and  National Union of Journalists
Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism submission April 2012
Witness Statement of Professor Jeremy Waldron redacted
Witness Statement for witness Professor Jeremy Waldron
Witness Statement of Michelle Stanistreet
Witness Statement for witnesses Michelle Stanistreet  and  National Union of Journalists
Transcript of Morning Hearing 16 November 2011
Transcript Evidence
Freedom of Speech and Article 10 (2.1 - 2.70)
Chapter: Appendix 4 Legal Materials | Part: Appendices

Exhibit 5 toSubmission from the Netherlands Press Council
Evidence for witness Netherlands Press Council
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