Copyright questions

Purpose of this site

This website exists to make freely available the material submitted to the Leveson Inquiry, a public inquiry into the culture, ethics and practices of the press. All content from the Leveson Inquiry is in the public domain and is held by the National Archives. In keeping with the public interest nature of a public inquiry, Discover Leveson aims to make this public material more accessible to the public, by the introduction of enhanced search functionality and curation of the material.

Copyright ownership

The majority of the material on this site is covered by Crown Copyright. In some cases the copyright owner for material on this site will be the individual who made the submission to the Inquiry or their employer.

Recognising copyright owners

We work closely with copyright owners to protect their intellectual property rights, and always make our best efforts to identify and seek the permission to publish from the ultimate copyright owner for all in-copyright material on our site.

If you believe that you own the copyright in any of the content on the website, and we have not recognised you as the copyright owner, please fill out our contact form immediately so that we can look into the matter. At your request we can add a standard statement to the end of the content to indicate your copyright ownership.

Re-use of copyright material

Kingston University does not accept any responsibility for copyright violations committed by users of this site. The terms & conditions of service require you to observe the restrictions placed on re-use defined by the 1988 Copyright Designs and Patents Act.

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All other material may only be re-used if the copyright holder has given you permission or your use of the work is fair dealing as defined under the 1988 Copyright Designs and Patents Act.

What is fair dealing of copyright material?

Fair dealing is a term used to describe some limited activities that are allowed without infringing copyright, those that are likely to be applicable to users of this site include:

i. Research and private study

Copying parts of a literary, dramatic, musical or artistic work or of a typographical arrangement of a published edition for the purpose of research or private study is allowed under the following conditions:

  • The copy is made for the purposes of research or private study.
  • The copy is made for non-commercial purposes.
  • The source of the material is acknowledged.
  • The person making the copy does not make copies of the material available for a number of people.

ii. Instruction or examination

Copying parts of a literary, dramatic, musical or artistic work or a sound recording, film or broadcast for the purpose of instruction or examination is allowed under the following conditions:

  1. The copying is done by the student or the person giving instruction.
  2. The copying is not done via a reprographic process.
  3. The source of the material is acknowledged.
  4. The instruction is for a non-commercial purpose.

iii. Criticism or review

Quoting parts of a work for the purpose of criticism or review is permitted provided that:

  1. The work has been made available to the public.
  2. The source of the material is acknowledged.
  3. The material quoted must be accompanied by some actual discussion or assessment (to warrant the criticism or review classification).
  4. The amount of the material quoted is no more than is necessary for the purpose of the review.

For further details on fair dealing rules please refer to the Copyright Designs and Patents Act; Section 28 onwards covers this area in full.

Offensive, defamatory or inappropriate content

If you believe that any content on the website is offensive, defamatory or otherwise inappropriate, please fill out our contact form and we will investigate quickly.


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