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Chapter: Criticisms of the Culture, Practices and Ethics of the Press | Part: The Culture, Practices and Ethics of the Press: The Press and the Public

09 February 2012PM
Max Clifford , Paul Dacre and Michelle Stanistreet gave statements at this hearing
09 February 2012AM
Ian Edmondson , Darryn Lyons , Heather Mills and Michelle Stanistreet gave statements at this hearing
Exhibit SA R2 2
Evidence for witness Stephen Abell
Exhibit SA R2 2
Evidence for witness Press Complaints Commission
Witness Statement of Stephen Abell
Witness Statement for witness Stephen Abell
Witness Statement of Stephen Abell
Witness Statement for witness Press Complaints Commission
Civil Law (3.86 - 3.167)
Chapter: Appendix 4 Legal Materials | Part: Appendices

Criminal Law (5.101 - 5133)
Chapter: Appendix 4 Legal Materials | Part: Appendices

24 January 2012AM
Submission from the New Zealand Law Commission Full Report
Evidence for witness New Zealand Law Commission
24 November 2011PM
Max Mosley and JK Rowling gave statements at this hearing
Exhibit SA M2
Evidence for witness Stephen Abell
Exhibit SA M2
Evidence for witness Press Complaints Commission
07 February 2012AM
Baroness Buscombe , Colin Crowell and Ronald Zink gave statements at this hearing
07 February 2012PM
James Harding , Dominic Mohan , Gary Morgan and Neil Turner gave statements at this hearing
Exhibit to submission from Katharine Quarmby
Evidence for witness Katharine Quarmby
Exhibit DW2
Evidence for witness Dan Wooton
24 November 2011AM
Sienna Miller , Max Mosley and Mark Thomson gave statements at this hearing
16 November 2011AM
Alan Rusbridger and Michelle Stanistreet gave statements at this hearing
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