Organisation representing sufferers of rare diseases that affect the immune and central nervous systems. Gave evidence seeking to raise understanding of such diseases among the medical profession and to improve services and access to specialist care. Asked the Inquiry to take note of the poor and unsympathetic reporting of some illnesses.
Organisation established in response to high-profile cases against paediatricians at the General Medical Council, brought by those who sought to discredit professionals involved in child-abuse work and research generally. The organisation offered evidence of false accusations and expressed concern to the Inquiry about the impact on children of such cases.
The Trust, a bio-medical research charity based in London, joined with the Association of Medical Research Charities and Cancer Research UK to give evidence. Told the Inquiry that a 2011 Report on Public Attitudes to Science revealed that most people heard or read about science via the media and a third received their information from printed media. It acknowledged much good reporting but also expressed concern about "scare stories" and the negative impact they could have.