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06 February 2012AM
DAC Sue Akers , Nick Owens and Dan Wooton gave statements at this hearing
26 March 2012AM
Colin Adwent , Chief Constable Simon Ash , Anne Campbell and Terry Hunt gave statements at this hearing
17 May 2012AM
Peter Oborne gave a statement at this hearing
30 May 2012AM
Dr Vince Cable MP gave a statement at this hearing
13 July 2012AM
Professor James Curran , Professor John Horgan and Angela Phillips gave statements at this hearing
Chapter: The Announcement | Part: The Inquiry

Chapter: Plurality and Media Ownership: Conclusions and Recommendations | Part: The Press and Politicians

Exhibits AS 100 123
Evidence for witness Alex Salmond MSP
Exhibit DG3
Evidence for witness Deborah Glass
Exhibit DG3
Exhibit DG3
Evidence for witness Jane Furniss
Exhibit 14 to submission of Julian Assange
Evidence for witness Julian Assange
Chapter: The Criminal Law | Part: Aspects of Regulation: The Law and the Press Complaints Commission

RJT Exhibit 19
Evidence for witness Richard Thomas
Second Witness Statement of Adrian Faber
Witness Statement for witness Adrian Faber
Chapter: Phone Hacking: The Expanding Impact of Opertation Caryatid | Part: Crossing Legal Boundaries: The Criminal and Civil Law

The Nature and Standard of Proof
Chapter: Further Issues of Law | Part: The Inquiry

Exhibit 24 ICO Operation Motorman
Evidence for witness Information Commissioner's Office
Exhibit 24 ICO Operation Motorman
Evidence for witness Christopher Graham
Second Witness Statement of Chief Constable Chris Sims
Witness Statement for witness Chief Constable Chris Sims
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