Prime Minister of UK and Leader of Labour Party 2007 - 2010, prior to which he was Chancellor of the Exchequer in Blair Government from 1997 - 2007. Brown was a Member of Parliament from 1983 - 2015, first for Dunfermline East and later for Kirkcaldy and Cowdenbeath. Stood down as MP in 2015. Brown criticised the Sun for use of unauthorised information about his son's medical details and accused Rupert Murdoch of lying on oath. He criticised James Murdoch of "breathtaking arrogance" and claimed that the Conservative Party adopted all the policies put forward by the Murdoch company.
UK Information Commissioner from 2009 to 2016. Told the Inquiry that proposals for tougher data-protection laws could have a negative effect on investigative journalism and that he would oppose the Information Commissioner’s Office becoming more of a regulating body.
Chief Executive of the Advertising Standards Authority, UK regulator of ads in all media at the time of the Inquiry, and responsible for executing the ASA's strategy to make ads responsible, including through the development of regulatory policy. Outlined for the Inquiry how investigation of complaints, enforcement activity and the system's communications, marketing, public affairs and research activities worked in practice.
Founded 1962. Self-regulatory organisation of the UK advertising industry. The ASA Chairman, Lord Smith of Finsbury (Chris Smith), gave evidence of the organisation’s experience of regulating the media in relation to phone hacking, computer hacking, “blagging”, bribery and corruption.
Founded 1992, with focus on improving quality of policy ideas for the UK and EU. It has produced studies promoting the design, effective use and subsequent audit of impact assessments. Offered evidence to the Inquiry on the failings of the Press Complaints Commission.
English barrister and former Senior Director of Law and Corporate Affairs at Microsoft specialising in IT licensing, intellectual property and competition law. Was asked by the Inquiry to provide information on search systems.