Served as Suffolk’s Chief Constable. Joined police force in 1982 and retired in 2012. He provided evidence on Suffolk police department’s involvement and relationship with the press.
Detective Chief Superintendent and Head of Crime Services in Jersey at time of giving evidence. Had been in charge of the Ipswich 2006 serial murders investigation, including directing media strategy. Told the Inquiry that he had had to repeat warnings to the press about responsible reporting. At one point during the police investigation, press reports provoked a legal pre-trial challenge from the defence team who claimed that the reports could prevent the defendant securing a fair trial.
Criminal investigator and intelligence officer with the Serious Organised Crime Agency (SOCA) between April 2006 and July 2008, having previously undertaken the same role for HM Customs between 1990 and 2006. He told the Inquiry that while carrying out investigations into two serious crime investigations he learnt that News of the Word teams were also carrying out surveillance. He argued that this jeopardised a murder inquiry and could have had tragic consequences.