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Submission from The Centre for Investigative Journalism
09 December 2011PM
Richard Thomas gave a statement at this hearing
09 December 2011AM
Richard Thomas gave a statement at this hearing
Exhibit BC18
Evidence for witness Professor Brian Cathcart
01 February 2012PM
Colette Bowe , Guy Parker and Ed Richards gave statements at this hearing
01 February 2012AM
Lord Black of Brentwood , Colette Bowe and Ed Richards gave statements at this hearing
25 June 2012AM
Andrew Grice , Peter Riddell and Philip Webster gave statements at this hearing
14 November 2011PM
No witnesses gave statements at this hearing
16 November 2011PM
No witnesses gave statements at this hearing
16 July 2012PM
Dr Neil Manson and Professor Baroness Onora O’Neill gave statements at this hearing
Fourth Submission by Media Standards Trust
Supporting Evidence for witnesses Dr Martin Moore  and  Media Standards Trust
12 June 2012AM
Sir John Major gave a statement at this hearing
17 January 2012PM
Chris Elliott , Alan Rusbridger and John Witherow gave statements at this hearing
23 January 2012AM
Lord Patten of Barnes and Mark Thompson gave statements at this hearing
21 November 2011AM
Bob Dowler , Sally Dowler , Graham Shear and Joan Smith gave statements at this hearing
28 November 2011PM
Charlotte Church and Anne Diamond gave statements at this hearing
17 January 2012AM
James Harding , Ian Hislop , Thomas Mockridge , Susan Panuccio and Rupert Pennant-Rea gave statements at this hearing
28 November 2011AM
Ian Hurst , Christopher Jefferies and Jane Winter gave statements at this hearing
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